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Prices plummeted! Consumer chips are going through a period of pain, high-end chips are still in short supply

07/28/2022 Consumer chips, high-end chips, chip prices, TSMC


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  The global "chip shortage" that has lasted for more than two years has gradually moved towards "order cutting" and "price reduction". Recently, the price of some chips in the market has even plummeted from more than 3,500 yuan to more than 600 yuan, with a price reduction of more than 80%.

  A person in charge of a long-term semiconductor supply chain company confirmed to a reporter from the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” the information on chip price reductions in the industry. However, the other party made it clear that it is currently only a special case, and the price reductions are mainly for chips that have previously increased in price. Variety.

  A brokerage analyst told the "Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily" reporter: "Under the sluggish environment caused by the U.S. interest rate hike cycle and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, mobile phone, PC, TV and other manufacturers have obviously cut orders, display panels, driver ICs. The decline in the volume and price of other products has in turn affected upstream IC design manufacturers and wafer foundries one after another. It takes a certain amount of time for consumer electronic chips to clear and adjust inventory through price cuts.”

  According to previous media reports, TSMC has recently received order adjustment notices from three major customers, namely Apple, AMD and Nvidia. Apple's new iPhone 14 shipment target of the first batch of 90 million units has been cut by 10%; AMD has reduced orders for 6-nanometer and 7-nanometer units of about 20,000 units from the fourth quarter of this year to the first quarter of 2023; Nvidia also reported requirements Delay and scale back first-quarter orders.

  Liu Deyin, chairman of TSMC, publicly stated not long ago that due to the epidemic and other reasons, the demand for consumer electronics products showed signs of slowing down, and fields such as smartphones, notebook computers and TVs were all affected.

  However, the reduction in demand for consumer electronic chips will give up the "capacity" of chip foundries to a certain extent, and some manufacturers will shift their production capacity to industrial control, automotive and other application fields with strong market demand. Especially in the current environment of the booming new energy vehicle market, the market demand for automotive chips is also even greater.

  Li Yong, head of the automotive business of Focuslight Technology, said that IC chips are more affected by the price reduction this time, while automotive-grade laser chips have not been affected by the market and have a significant price reduction trend.

  Audi’s marketing department and a number of car companies told reporters from the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily”: “In the first half of the year, in order to gain more benefits, some car companies reduced and increased prices in disguise on the grounds of lack of cores. There is still a shortage of high-end chips for a small number of imported models, and most automotive chips are already in sufficient supply.”

  Jia Kang, the founding dean of Huaxia New Supply Economics Research Institute, said: "The shortage of high-end chips is relatively prominent, and its price rise is inevitable. With the improvement of my country's chip manufacturing level and production capacity breakthrough, relatively low-end chips are in the specific supply and demand interaction. In the process, supply exceeds demand, and chip prices will naturally adjust accordingly.”

  In the face of the current sharp drop in chip prices, the "lack of cores" in automobiles, and the "deletion of orders" in consumer electronics, Jia Kang believes: "The change in chip prices in the second half of the year mainly depends on the market supply and demand and the overall driving effect of the industry chain. In the long run, After experiencing labor pains, it is bound to return to the trend of stable growth.”

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